Chaotic Demo In Medan, Stones Thrown Mall Until 7 Police Wounded

MEDAN - Anarchistic demonstration in Medan also targeted public facilities. Palladium Mall was targeted by mob vandalism.

Protesters consisting of students and students pelted the mall building which is about 100 meters from the North Sumatra DPRD building, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Medan, Thursday, October 8.

The mall-throwing action occurred after the police dispersed the crowd that had previously rallied in front of the DPRD North Sumatra building. The police were forced to disperse them because they threw stones and wood at officers several times.

In the riots in Medan, the police arrested 177 people. Currently, all of them are undergoing examination.

"There were 177 people who were arrested. They were taken to the North Sumatra Regional Police and the investigation is still ongoing," the head of the Medan Police, Kombes Riko Sunarko, told reporters.

Riko also said, of all the people who were caught, there were 3 people who were declared reactive to COVID-19.

"Three people were declared reactive to COVID-19 after going through a rapid test," he said

In addition, 7 policemen were injured as a result of stone throwing from protesters. "There are seven injured personnel, one of whom is a policewoman. Currently they are being treated," said Riko.