The Victim Uses Brong's Exhaust As The Motif Of A Motorcycle Gang To Stabbing A Medan Man In Front Of His Wife And Children

MEDAN - The case of a motorcycle gang stabbing a man named Retno in front of his wife and children was revealed by the Belawan Harbor Police.

Belawan Port Police Chief AKBP Faisal Rahmad Husein Simatupang said his party had arrested 8 perpetrators. Meanwhile, 3 other perpetrators are still being hunted. Of the eight perpetrators who were arrested, 7 were minors.

"Initially there was a disagreement over which at that time, the victim would return to Marelan. The victim was riding a motorcycle with a failed exhaust," said AKBP Faisal, Monday, April 25.

At that time, he said, the victim's brother-in-law was carrying the victim's wife and child. Because the victim was using a brong exhaust, the perpetrators felt noisy.

"Hearing this noise, the group of suspects chased and grabbed the victim's motorbike. While the suspect was making loud words when you used your exhaust and cursing the victim," said AKBP Faisal.

"Then the victim replied 'what are you'," he continued.

At that time, the victim continued his journey and had time to stop at the Simpang Kantor area to drink herbal medicine. The perpetrators who still did not accept then chased the victim.

Realizing that the perpetrator was being chased, the victim fled towards his house in the Mati River. The perpetrator continued to chase until the victim fell off the motorcycle.

"So when the motorcycle was crushed, the victim and his child fell. When the victim had fallen, the suspect who was carrying a sickle stabbed the victim," said AKBP Faisal.

For his actions, the perpetrators will be charged with article 338 of the Criminal Code.