Heavy Traffic Flow Monitored On Provincial Roads, South Sumatra Provincial Government Asks For Non-Food Transportation To Stop H-7

PALEMBANG - The Provincial Government of South Sumatra (Sumsel) hopes that non-food trucks will stop operating on the 7th of Eid or this Monday, until some time in the future. The Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, said that the temporary suspension of truck operations was carried out to optimize the smooth flow of traffic for Lebaran homecoming vehicles, which had started to become congested. Based on monitoring carried out by the provincial government and the local police, traffic congestion has begun to occur on Provincial Cross Roads such as in Palembang-Betung, Banyuasin and inner-city roads. "Because there is an extraordinary increase in traffic, even at the peak of the homecoming flow on April 29-30 or D-2 Lebaran, it is estimated that 61 thousand people/vehicles enter, I hope that on D-7 Eid, non-food transport trucks will stop temporarily so that everything goes smoothly," said Herman The roar after the cross-sectoral coordination meeting was centered at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters, reported by Antara, Monday, April 25. Meanwhile, according to him, in the future, the Provincial Government will prepare digital information boards for homecoming traffic which will be placed on various highways. The digital board serves to provide information about traffic jams, rest areas, the nearest gas station, so that they can help their journey to reach their destination smoothly. "The government learned a lot from the congestion that occurred in the Palembang-Betung Jalintim yesterday, while waiting for the toll road there to be completed, we continue to take the initiative to provide convenience for motorists," he added. regulate in such a way that the flow of traffic during the Lebaran homecoming period can run smoothly, including the ban on non-food truck operations. must remain distributed, it will be regulated," he said.