Kartini Today Is Aware Of Public Information

JAKARTA - The webinar entitled "Kartini Now Aware of Public Information" was held on Thursday, April 21 presenting four speakers, namely, Wiryanta as Director of information and communication for human development and culture of the Director General of IKP Kemkominfo, A Rizki Sadig as Member of Commission I DPR RI, Danti Nur Khalifah ( Actress/public figure), and Syifa Hersafitri (stewardess/social media activist).

Rizki Sadig said that the principle of Kartini women is anyone who can do everything at one time (multitasking person). Moreover, now with the greatness of information technology, it is increasingly helping the community, especially women.

"There are more opportunities for many people to be able to improve quality and develop things in various fields at the same time," said Rizki Sadig.

"Start with the interests and talents we have, such as the hobby of cooking, then we can start by placing advertisements on social media, so that the interests or hobbies we have are not only hobbies for ourselves, but are able to produce something bigger," he added. he.

He further said, in this era, there are more and more great women such as teachers who in a pandemic condition like this are still able to convey their profession as educators via online, or from home. This indicates that the quality of women in Indonesia has been able to keep pace with technology, information and communication.

"Start developing your potential without being limited to being a woman, because women and men have the same roles and opportunities, so don't let yourself be trapped in the ugliness of the internet world. Use and take advantage of the internet as much as possible. The development of women in Indonesia is one proof of technology Indonesia is already very well controlled," he said.