Jack Miller Apologizes For Accident At MotoGP Portugal 2022, Joan Mir: I Hope He Can Learn

JAKARTA - Ducati riders, Jack Miller and Joan Mir were involved in an accident during the MotoGP Portugal 2022 race. Jack Miller has sincerely apologized.

When appearing at the Algarve Circuit on Sunday, April 24, Miller and Mir competed for third place. However, the fight ended in bad luck for both of them.

During the 19th lap, Miller slipped and fell while trying to cross Turn 1. Unfortunately for Mir, he was hit by Miller's motorbike and fell too. Both were then dragged into the gravel.

The situation was clearly detrimental for Joan Mir because he failed to finish in the best position. Mir briefly expressed his annoyance, but then he couldn't get angry and said that the situation was normal when the driver was on the track.

"It (being involved in an accident with Jack Miller) is a problem, but I can do that too. I also made that mistake a few times. I know he didn't mean to. He just wanted to race in the braking zone but he was unlucky because there was no space. ," said Mir quoted from Speedweek.

"I also braked and was late, but then the front tire locked. It's a shame too. And I hope he can learn from that and it doesn't happen again."

Jack Miller himself was aware that the moment of his fall also cost Mir. For that, he did not hesitate to apologize after the race.

"I apologize to Joan (Mir), I will bear it myself, unfortunately it was a racing accident," said Jack Miller, quoted from Speedweek.

The apology was also accompanied by regret by the Australian racer. Because after the accident, both of them not only lost the podium but also lost points.

"Losing the podium in the final laps of the race sucks, because the points are also lost," he said.

"It's very bitter that I also brought another rider (in the crash). I thought I could manage my pace well," added Jack Miller.