The Demonstrators In Sabang No Longer Throw Stones, They Are 'Tos-tosan' With The Police

JAKARTA - The demonstrators in Sabang, Central Jakarta, no longer throw stones at the police. The police also did not release tear gas shots. The situation in Sabang, which was once tense, has now melted away.

Based on VOI monitoring at around 16:20 WIB, Thursday, October 8, the crowd initially approached the police line. They sang the Indonesian Pusaka song in the middle of an already closed road.

This moment occurred after one of the students embraced the police officer. Some are shaking hands, some are giving hand greetings, a style of greeting in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo: Diah Ayu VOI

The crowd from the direction of Sabang were now given access by the police to Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. They joined the rest of the masses.

Polda Metro Jaya previously stated that it had prepared 9,346 joint personnel from the National Police, TNI and Local Governments. In addition, the police have prepared tactical vehicles such as the Baraccuda and Water Cannon.