How To Change Mouse Settings For Left-handed Users

JAKARTA - In general, the way the mouse works makes it easier for you as a pointing device or pointing device to move the pointer on the computer monitor screen.

Most mice are designed to be used right handed. However, people who are used to using their left hand or can be called left-handed seem to have less luck in using a computer mouse.

But not to worry, there are various ways to properly convert your mouse for left-handed use with Windows 10. Launching from the Makeuseof tutorial, here are the steps you should take.

How to Change Physical Device Settings for Left-handed People

The first thing to do when setting up your left-handed mouse is to switch the function of the physical buttons. If you're left-handed and use your mouse with your left hand, you've probably swapped out these keys. If not, here's how:

On a typical mouse, the left mouse button (LMB) is used to select and open files and folders, and the right mouse button (RMB) is used to open context menus for performing actions on files and folders.

1. To switch to left-handed mouse, Click on the Windows 10 Start menu and open Settings.2. Look for the Mouse option, which should be under the Devices.3 heading. Under the Mouse settings tab (in the left pane), switch your main mouse button to the right under the drop-down menu.

The LMB and RMB functions have been reversed, with the RMB of your primary mouse button and the LMB of your secondary mouse button.

How to Make Your Mouse Pointer Left Hand

To add a more complete left-hand touch to the mouse, you'll also need to change your mouse pointer. The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) had a link to download the left-handed mouse cursor icon, but that link has now been removed. Luckily, How-To Geek made a copy and has a link to download it there.

The cursor is tilted the other way to make it more comfortable to use with the left hand. They are available in three sizes: normal, large, and extra large. The normal one is the same size as the standard Windows 10 mouse cursor, but you can choose a larger one if you prefer.

1. Once you have downloaded the left-handed mouse pointer for Windows 10, extract it to a folder on your computer.2. Then, open your computer's mouse settings. You can type 'mouse settings' in the Start menu to get there quickly, and click Additional mouse options on the right.3. Working on the Pointer tab, under Customize, click Browse4. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the left-handed mouse pointer and select the appropriate left cursor that you want to use for each pointer setting.