Propam Checks Police Reportedly Throwing Pistol To The Police Head Of Bira Beach

MAKASSAR - AF Brigadier was questioned by Propam because he was reported to have committed trouble in the Tanjung Bira Beach area, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). There were reports that said this police officer was pointing a gun at a cafe in the Bira area.

"The plan is to process it with Propam. I haven't checked the progress yet, but it's certain (the inspection) is going on, "said Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo at the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Makassar, Thursday, October 8.

The AP Brigadier allegedly brandished a gun and pointed it at the Bonto Bahari Police Chief AKP Akbar Munir. Brigadier AF is also suspected of insulting AKP Akbar. This incident made Brigadier AF have to face a disciplinary hearing and a code of ethics.

"That's why it was processed, in essence he lowered the status and dignity of the police by behaving and ethically like that," said Ibrahim.

The raging incident of Brigadier AF from the South Sulawesi Police Police took place when he was asked to pay for a drink at a cafe. The AF Brigadier who was suspected of being drunk became angry and went on a rampage until the cafe owner reported to the Bonto Bahari Police.

"He was in the cafe and drunk. So (when) the drunken condition was secured by the members, he still did not accept it. "The holding is also checking," said Ibrahim.

The police chief of Bonto Bahari intervened because he received reports that the AF Brigadier continued to rampage when the police calmed him down. Brigadier AF suddenly approached the Bonto Bahari Police Chief and allegedly brandished a gun.