Police Arrest Unyil Et Al, Perpetrators Of Rape Of 15-Year-Old Boy On The Edge Of Cisoka Rice Fields, Tangerang

TANGERANG - The police arrested four perpetrators of alleged molestation and rape of a minor with the initials F (15). The four initials R alias Unyil, S, AR and HN.

Cisoka Police Chief AKP Nurrokhman said the lewd action took place on the edge of a rice field, Cisoka, Tangerang Regency, on Tuesday, April 19, at around 22.00 WIB. It started when the victim was invited by his colleague with the initials AR to a youth association at the scene for an alcohol party.

Then AR force-fed the victim with alcoholic beverages until the victim was drunk. When F is affected by alcohol, AR commits sexual harassment to the victim.

"When the victim was drunk, then the suspect AR committed sexual abuse on the victim," said Nurrokhman in his statement, quoted on Saturday, April 23.

The victim, who was slightly conscious, asked S to be accompanied to urinate. But S took advantage of the moment to satisfy his evil lust. "The victim again received sexual abuse by suspect S," he continued.

The liquor party is back. The victim was force-fed by the perpetrators until he was drunk. When he was unconscious, Unyil invited F to his house in Carenang Village, Cisoka, Tangerang Regency.

"Inviting the victim and the witness to Unyil's house in Carenang village. After arriving at the suspect's house, the victim, who was drunk at the time, had sexual intercourse with the victim, one time," he said.

Shortly after the victim was raped, H came to ask about F's condition. Knowing that the victim was still drunk, H had raped F.

"H said, "Mat, can you use it for a girl?" Then suspect R replied, "Yes, as long as you give me money for snacks," then H immediately raped F," he explained.

The victim who realized that she had been raped and abused immediately burst into tears. A moment later the victim looked for witness A to ask to be brought home.

In the middle of the road, the victim asked to get off and went straight to the Cisoka Police Station. The victim told the police what happened. The police also informed the victim's parents.

It didn't take long for the perpetrators to be arrested. The perpetrators are currently being held at the Cisoka Police Station.

For their actions, the four perpetrators were charged with Article 81 Paragraph (1) and Article 82 Paragraph (1) of Law No. RI. 17 of 2016 on the second amendment to the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with the threat of 15 years in prison.