Mass Demo Rejects Law To Create Arrival Work, Request Opening Access To Palace

JAKARTA - A number of students from various universities began to gather at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, to voice their rejection of the Job Creation Law.

They came wearing their respective campus alma mater carrying various flags, banners, and posters containing the demands for rejection of the Omnibus Law.

Access to the Merdeka Palace on Jalan Merdeka Utara has been barricaded in front of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue. The police apparatus closed the road using barbed wire to be precise in front of the Sapta Pesona building, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy towards the State Palace.

In a separate location, students participating in the demonstration at the Harmoni intersection, Central Jakarta could not move to the Merdeka Palace because access was closed by the police.

Police barricade in the Horse Statue area (Diah Ayu W / VOI)

They asked the authorities to open access so they could move towards the Merdeka Palace. Every now and then, they throw trash bottles of drinks and food wrappers.

Meanwhile, the group of workers has moved on Jalan Salemba, Central Jakarta, towards the Tugu Tani, to join the action at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue.

Polda Metro Jaya previously stated that it had prepared 9,346 joint personnel from the National Police, TNI and Local Governments. In addition, the police have prepared tactical vehicles such as the Baraccuda and Water Cannon.