America Becomes The Most Cuan Country Of Cryptocurrencies During 2021, Indonesia Is The Most Profitable?

JAKARTA – Blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis reports that throughout 2021, the number one country in the world that has benefited the most from cryptocurrencies is the United States.

According to Chainalysis, since the number one cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, hit an all-time high (ATH) last year, many crypto investors in the US have made huge profits.

Reporting from Dailycoin, data from Chainalysis states that US crypto investors made more than $46.9 billion in realized cryptocurrency profits last year. While some other countries lag far behind.

The United States sees its estimated realized crypto profits grow 476 percent, from 8.1 billion US dollars (approximately Rp.

After the United States topped the most-funded country from crypto, the next position was occupied by the UK which made a profit of 8.1 billion US dollars (more than Rp. 117 trillion), then in third place was Germany which made a profit of 5.8 billion US dollars (equivalent to Rp. trillion), Japan made a profit of US$5.5 billion (around Rp. 79.6 trillion), and China US$5 billion (equivalent to Rp. 72.4 trillion).

Despite all that, their crypto profits are growing at the same rate as the US. UK crypto investors saw a 431 percent increase, while Germany saw a higher 423 percent gain over the year.

Meanwhile, crypto investors from China experienced a visibly lower growth rate of 194 percent, from US$1.7 billion in 2020 to US$5.1 billion in 2021. According to Chainalysis, this is a slower growth rate than China. with other countries.

China, previously known as one of the leading Bitcoin mining countries, faced a severe cryptocurrency crackdown last year after local governments imposed strict cryptocurrency restrictions on crypto miners, traders, developers and the entire digital asset ecosystem.

Meanwhile, Chainalysis noted the increasing profit of the main coin, namely Ethereum (ETH) which plays a large role in the cryptocurrency income realized by different coins.

Chainalysis noted that Ethereum surpassed Bitcoin in total realized gains on a global scale, accounting for a total of 76.3 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, Bitcoin's profit was 74.7 billion US dollars or 1.6 billion US dollars lower.

Chainalys said the trend towards ETH dominance reflects the increased demand for the second largest coin due to the impressive rally of the DeFi ecosystem in 2021, most of which are built on the Ethereum network and use ETH coins as their primary currency.

The world's largest economy, the United States, however, ranked 5th in terms of the percentage of the population involved with digital currencies last year. According to the Global crypto adoption index, approximately 27.5 million or 8.31 percent of US citizens use digital currencies.

Meanwhile, Indonesia is still below other Southeast Asian countries. Indonesia, only ranks 44th with a crypto profit value of US$ 731 million (equivalent to Rp. 10.5 trillion).

Meanwhile, Malaysia earned US$811 million (approximately Rp11.7 trillion), Thailand US$1.1 billion (15.9 trillion), the Philippines US$1.3 billion (around Rp18.8 trillion), Singapore amounted to 1.7 billion (Rp 24.6 trillion), and the highest income of ASEAN countries is led by Vietnam at 2.3 billion US dollars or around Rp. 33.2 trillion.

The most expensive country data from crypto. (Chainalysis)