Sulbar Exports 25 Tons Of Broom Sticks To India

MAMUJU - West Sulawesi Governor Ali Baal Masdar together with the Head of the Center for Animal Quarantine and Animal Biosafety of the Agricultural Quarantine Agency (Barantan) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wisnu Wasisa Putera, released the export of 25 tons of broom sticks worth Rp. 147 million to India.

"I hope that this export release will open the export faucet so that more business players and millennial farmers will dare to export," said West Sulawesi Governor Ali Baa Masdar as reported by Antara, Friday, April 22.

The governor hopes that the export release will become a momentum to increase agricultural commodities with export potential, as well as produce exporters from West Sulawesi that can have a positive impact on economic development in the area.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Center for Animal Quarantine and Animal Biosafety of the Agricultural Quarantine Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wisnu Wasisa Putera, said that by sloping the number of COVIF-19 cases in the world, it had a positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth.

"Especially in the agricultural sector through increasing exports of agricultural commodities," said Wisnu Wasisa.

According to him, there are many agricultural commodities that are unique to Indonesian citizens, but are in demand by many foreign countries, one of which is "broom sticks" or better known as broom sticks.

"This increase in exports is in line with the flagship program of the Ministry of Agriculture, namely the Triple Export Movement (Gratieks). The Agricultural Quarantine Agency as the Coordinator of Gratieks will support the export of broomsticks that already have a market so that their exports are sustainable and even widen the market," explained Wisnu Wasisa.

Meanwhile, Head of Agricultural Quarantine Mamuju Agus Karyono said, apart from palm oil, coffee, cocoa and coconut shell briquettes, broom sticks have added to the variety of agricultural export commodities from West Sulawesi.

"Our exporters consist of millennials who have a form of concern for the region and the community by collecting sticks from oil palm and coconut farmers which are no longer valuable, but are processed to be used as goods that have a high selling value by exporting," explained Agus Karyono.

Meanwhile, Polewali Mandar Regent Andi Ibrahim Masdar expressed his appreciation to the Agricultural Quarantine Agency, Customs and Excise and technical services for their assistance and guidance to exporters in improving the quality and quantity of their production.

"We hope that this cooperation and synergy will always be maintained so that other agricultural commodities can be exported as well," said Andi Ibrahim Masdar.