AGO Searches 10 Locations Related To Corruption Cases In CPO Exports Of Cooking Oil

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office searched 10 locations related to a corruption case in granting permits for the export of crude palm oil (CPO) facilities which resulted in a shortage of cooking oil.

"The place that was searched contained several offices related to the business activities of 3 private parties that we had suspected. Then there is the house of the IWW suspect (Dirjen Daglu), of course there is an office related to the Ministry of Trade," said Deputy Attorney General for Special Economic Crimes (Jampidsus) Febrie Adriansyah as quoted by Antara, Friday, April 22.

The search lasted for two days, namely on Tuesday, April 5 at the office of the Ministry of Trade in Jakarta, the house of the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade and the office of PT Mikie Oleo Nabati Industri in Bekasi.

Then on Thursday, April 7, searches were carried out at the Permata Hijau Group office in Medan, Wilmar office in Medan, Musim Mas office in Medan, PT Incasi Raya office in Padang, Synergy Oil Nusantara office in Batam, Karyaindah Alam Sejahtera office in Surabaya, and Sinar Alam Permai office in Palembang.

From the search, investigators confiscated 650 documents and electronic evidence (BBE).

"Investigators are concentrating on electronic evidence," said Febrie.

According to him, this electronic evidence will strengthen the cooperation between the suspects, as well as what conversations the suspects had.

"Investigators confirmed that there was cooperation between suspects from the Ministry of Trade and private suspects," he said.

Jampidsus said the investigating prosecutor's team was continuing to investigate and check the "domestic market obligation" (DMO) or the obligation to meet the domestic demand for 20 percent CPO cooking oil throughout Indonesia.

The next development of case handling is that the investigating prosecutor has held discussions with the Auditors of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and experts in order to equalize perceptions to see the economic impact on the case.

"Because of this, there will be further impacts, such as government policies (related) to direct cash assistance (BLT) and other policies," said Febrie.

"It's in qualifying, it takes time," he said.

In this case, the investigating prosecutor's team named 4 suspects, namely the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade (Dirjen Daglu) Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana. Then, Master Parulian Tumanggor as Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, Stanley MA as Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs of PT Pelita Agung Agrindustri/Permata Hijau Group, and Picare Tagore Sitanggang as General Manager of the General Affairs Section of PT Musim Mas.

Currently, the real fact in the field is that the DMO of 20 percent cooking oil as a condition for the issuance of an export approval permit (PE) does not exist.