598 Joint Personnel In Madiun Ready To Face The 2022 Eid Homecoming

MADIUN - At least 598 joint personnel from elements of the Police, TNI, and related stakeholders, were alerted to face the 2022 Eid homecoming in Madiun, East Java.

This was conveyed by the Madiun Police Chief, AKPB Anton Prasetyo, during the event to hold the 2022 Ketupat Semeru Operational Troops at Madiun Police Headquarters, Friday, April 22.

"The hundreds of personnel are a combination of several elements. Among them are elements of the Police, the TNI, the Madiun Regency Government which includes Dishub, medical, and hansip, as well as other security and security partners," said Anton, quoted from Antara.

According to him, these personnel will serve in their respective posts during the 2022 Ketupat Semeru Operation, which will take place from 28 April 2022 to 9 May 2022.

"This year's Eid security is different from the previous two years. This year, the government has given leeway for residents to carry out homecoming without blocking, twisting, and restricting. However, monitoring posts and security are still provided to monitor the smooth flow of going back and forth," he said.

In the jurisdiction of Madiun Police, one monitoring post and seven security posts will be provided.

In large posts, such as monitoring posts, there are more complete facilities provided. Such as tow trucks, fire engines, ambulances, health services, and resting places.

Anton added that the security slogan for Eid 2022 is "Safe and Healthy Homecoming". He hopes that through this slogan, travelers must be safe in carrying out their homecoming and healthy and there is no spike in COVID-19 cases.

"That's why at our monitoring posts, security posts, and certain points, we have also prepared a COVID-19 vaccination service post. The travelers are also asked to always maintain health protocols," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Madiun Ahmad Dawami as the leader of the Apel Holds the Ketupat Semeru Operations Squad in 2022 while reading the remarks by the National Police Chief, stated that there were several important things or points in the Eid security activities in 2022.

"That is maintaining food price stability, conducive, safe and smooth kamtibmas conditions, comfortable homecoming and return flows, and no spike in COVID-19 cases. For this reason, health care discipline must still be carried out," said Regent Ahmad Dawami.

He also asked the National Police to increase visitation and patrol activities at points prone to security and social security disturbances. Such as in terminals, settlements whose owners leave homecoming, shopping centers, banks and ATMs, as well as tourist attractions.

"Nationally, there are 101,700 objects throughout Indonesia that are the focus of security, such as mosques, tourist attractions, shopping centers, terminals, stations, ports, and other community gathering places. Residents are still asked to always maintain progress in every activity," said the Regent.

During the 2022 Ketupat Semeru Operations Troops held, it was pleased that the Regent of Madiun affixed a sign or ribbon to the representative of the appointed officer. Present at the event were the Madiun Regency Forkopimda, a number of the Madiun Regency OPD, religious leaders, sub-district heads, and muspika throughout Madiun Regency.

While the apple participants consisted of members of the Police, TNI, ranks of the Madiun Regency Transportation Agency, Satpol PP, and Madiun Regency Linmas.