Cianjur Prepares 3 Rest Areas For Homecomers Who Cross The Peak To Haurwangi Route

CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government in West Java Province has prepared three rest areas that can be used by travelers traveling through Jalan Raya Puncak to Haurwangi to relax for a moment.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said the rest areas in Puncak Pass, Citarum-Haurwangi, and Bale Gede-Naringgul are equipped with various facilities.

"In every rest area (rest area) there are rest areas, mosques and hawker centers as well as typical Cianjur souvenirs, so travelers can rest comfortably before continuing their journey to their hometowns, including the Haurwangi-Citarum rest area which has views of the Citarum River. ," said Regent Herman, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 22.

The district government then plans to make the rest area one of the marketing centers for Cianjur's superior products.

In addition, the Regency Government also plans to repair roads leading to tourist attractions to support the economic recovery that was slumped during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We will focus on economic recovery after Cianjur is included in PPKM Level 1. We hope that all parties can help to maintain this status, by maintaining the process and continuing to adapt to new habits," he said.

Herman appealed to residents who have not received a complete COVID-19 vaccination and booster vaccinations to immediately come to the nearest health center to undergo vaccination.

"Homecomers who have not yet received a booster vaccine can come to the puskesmas in Cianjur," he said.