In Front Of Officers, Chandrika Chika Said Rico Valentino Was Drunk During The Beating Incident In The Cafe

JAKARTA - Tiktokers, Chandrika Chika has conducted an examination as a witness related to the alleged beating case with the suspects Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino. In her confession, Chika said Rico was in a drunken state during the beating.

It is known that the beating took place at Caffe Code, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 2, at 02.30 WIB, the police are still investigating.

South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Ridwan Soplanit explained, based on Chika's confession, if Rico was losing control, it was because he was drunk.

"At that time Rico was out of control (out of control), from his statement at that time Rico was drunk," said Ridwan when confirmed, Friday, April 22.

It started with Chika, who talked with the victim, M Nuralamsyah. When Rico was drunk, he approached the victim's table and Nuralamsyah was beaten without further ado.

"Speaking (with) the victim and hugging and Chika while crying. With that position, Rico went to the victim's table and beat him spontaneously," he said.

Ridwan said, at the time of the beating incident, only Rico was drunk. However, he is still exploring whether Putra is also in a drunken state or not.

Apart from that, his party is still exploring what the exact cause of Rico's spontaneous beating of the victim, Nuralamsyah, was. Currently the police have also examined five witnesses.

Furthermore, the police will also call N as Chika's friend who at that time was close to the victim's table.

"Later on, the initials of his friend N, what are they talking about, did it really happen like what Chika said, we'll dig through that friend later," explained Ridwan.

However, Ridwan ensured that when the beating incident occurred, Putra Siregar actually approached Chika's table to provide protection.

"When that happened, PS approached the victim's table, Chika was already protected and shifted, to move from the crime scene," Closed Ridwan.

In relation to this beating, the two suspects, Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino, were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding beatings with threats of up to 5 years in prison.