Lili Pintauli Called No Longer Eligible To Be KPK Leader

JAKARTA - Lili Pintauli Siregar is deemed unfit to be the Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He was then asked to immediately resign from his post.

This was conveyed by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana because Lili was declared to have violated ethics. In addition, he is suspected of having violated again because he received accommodation gratification and the Mandalika MotoGP ticket from PT Pertamina (Persero).

"ICW requests that the LPS sister immediately resign as the Chair of the KPK. Because she is no longer fit to hold the position as the Chair of the KPK," said Kurnia in a written statement quoted on Friday, April 22.

Kurnia hopes that the KPK Supervisory Board will handle the alleged violations committed by Lili. Don't let Tumpak Hatorangan and friends become a bulwark for the KPK leadership.

Moreover, the KPK Supervisory Board has just decided not to sanction Lili even though she was proven to have lied at a press conference. At that time, the former Deputy Chairperson of the Witness Protection Agency (LPSK) admitted that he had never been in contact with the litigants, the former Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial, but what was proven was the opposite.

Even as a result of this act, Lili was given a sanction in the form of cutting her basic salary by 40 percent for 12 months.

"Dewas must be objective, transparent, and have the courage to take action and clean up the KPK of problematic people like LPS brothers," said Kurnia.

Lili Pintauli was recently reported back to the KPK Supervisory Board for allegedly receiving accommodation and tickets from PT Pertamina (Persero).

Recently, the KPK Supervisory Board has requested information from a number of related parties in investigating this allegation. One of them is from Pertamina, who is suspected of being the giver.

Member of the KPK Supervisory Board, Albertina Ho, said that the examination of the state-owned company was completed on Thursday, April 21. However, he did not want to explain in full about today's examination.

Including, who has been examined from PT Pertamina because the process of collecting goods and information is still ongoing. "Earlier from Pertamina, someone has come, it's finished," said Albertina.

"I did not say the president director, but from Pertamina there is," he added.

Furthermore, the KPK Supervisory Board will also find out if there are other parties who have received tickets from Pertamina to watch MotoGP. This step, said Albertina, will be done to make light of the alleged gratification.

"Now we're looking for it, don't know how many people (gifts, red) don't understand. Don't understand yet, we're still looking for the ingredients," he said.

In the future, the KPK Supervisory Board asked the parties summoned to cooperate in providing information. Their honesty is needed to make light of this alleged ethical violation.

"So it can be finished faster, right, if the information (which, ed) is given, it won't be done as it is, it won't be finished later," concluded Albertina.