Peradi Bandung Reports Hotman Paris To The West Java Police Regarding The Alleged Hoax

BANDUNG - The Branch Executive Board (DPC) of the Bandung City of Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) reported the famous lawyer Hotman Paris to the West Java Police on suspicion of spreading false speech or hoaxes.

Chairman of the Bandung City Peradi DPC Roelly Panggabean said Hotman was suspected of conveying false news regarding Peradi's DPN which lost a civil lawsuit at the Lubuk Pakam District Court. According to him, Hotman called Peradi Otto Hasibuan's membership invalid because of the decision.

"He made up fake news, thus disturbing our members. Therefore, I answered my members, I was forced to make this report," said Roelly, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 21.

According to him, Hotman Paris declared all Peradi Management to be invalid, including the ownership of their membership cards. Roelly emphasized that this statement misled the members of Peradi.

He also questioned Hotman's basis which stated that Peradi led by Otto Hasibuan was illegitimate. In fact, said Roelly, Otto Hasibuan had been inaugurated as the General Chair of Peradi at the national deliberation for positions from 2020 to 2025.

"It should be noted that Hotman (Paris) is one of Fauzi Hasibuan's deputy governors, who also binds and knows this matter," said Roelly.

The report, according to him, also aims to restrain its members from being provoked by Hotman Paris' remarks.

"Frankly, I refrained my members from going to Jakarta. After all, we are legal people, obeying principles," said Roelly as well.

Previously, Hotman said he left Peradi on April 1, 2022. Meanwhile, the decision to suspend Peradi's Honorary Council was issued on April 12, 2022.

"I have resigned about two weeks before (the suspension decision)," said Hotman, in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/4).

Hotman said that the main reason he decided to leave Peradi was due to personal problems with the General Chairman of Peradi Otto Hasibuan.

Hotman also considered that there was something wrong or problematic with Peradi, such as the illegitimate leadership of Otto Hasibuan's three terms, because they were deemed to have violated Peradi's Articles of Association/Budgets (AD/ART).