Police Shoot Theft Recidivists In Asahan, North Sumatra

MEDAN - Personnel from the Jatanras Unit of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Asahan Police shot a recidivist who did the theft accompanied by weights for resisting officers and running away during arrest.

"The perpetrator who was given firm and measurable action, MS (22) is a resident of Mutiara Kisaran Barat," said Asahan Police Chief, AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 21.

The perpetrator was arrested in the case as referred to in Article 363 of the Criminal Code. The perpetrator is a recidivist in the same case and has already served his sentence in 2018.

"The arrest of the perpetrators stems from a theft case accompanied by weighting on Wednesday (13/4) at approximately 22.30 WIB, to be precise on Pasar Eight Street, Siumbut-Umbut Village, East Kisaran District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra," continued the Police Chief.

In the action, the perpetrator took the property of a red Oppo A3S cellphone belonging to the victim, Dwi Aristya, who was riding a motorcycle with Putri Juliantina. The perpetrator grabbed the victim from the left of Dwi Aristya.

As a result of the incident, the victim lost two cellphones. The victim also made a complaint to the Asahan Police Headquarters.

The police investigated the case and arrested the culprit.

"At around 16.00 WIB, the officers arrested the perpetrator. However, when he was arrested, the perpetrator resisted and tried to run away, so the officers gave measurable decisive action to the calf of MS' left leg," continued the Police Chief.