KPK Reminds Riau Islands Provincial Government About Potential Mining Permit Corruption

RIAU ISLANDS - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron reminded the Riau Islands Provincial Government about the potential for mining license corruption, following the central government's handing over a quartz sand commodity mining business permit to the regional government. namely improving the economy and the environment. "What should be a measure is how the mining revenue is optimal, but does not damage the environment," said Ghufron during a visit to Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Thursday, April 21. Therefore, he said, the provincial government, in this case the Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad, must consistently apply these two aspects. "The mining licensing sector is prone to corruption, especially areas with a character rich in natural resources," said Ghufron, quoted by Antara. he continued, other potential for corruption at the local government level On average it occurs in the budget sector, procurement of goods and services, asset management, ASN management, and village fund management. "In general, everything is like that," he said. Ghufron invites all groups in Riau Islands, from the executive, legislative, businessmen, the public, including journalists to continue to voice efforts to prevent corruption cases, because the prevention approach is more dignified than taking action. This is the goal so that local government can be run without corruption," said Ghufron.