LNG Clean Energy Supply To Palm Oil Processors In Bontang, Pertagas Niaga: Hopefully Other Industries Can Follow

JAKARTA - Pertamina Gas Subholding continues to expand the utilization of natural gas through infrastructure beyond the pipeline in Bontang City, East Kalimantan. Through PT Pertagas Niaga (PTGN), Subholding Gas supplies the first LNG to industries in Bontang City, to be precise to PT Energi Unggul Persada (EUP) which is engaged in palm oil processing.

The EUP uses 462 MMBTUD of LNG for factory boiler needs and will increase in line with the plant's expansion plan. LNG is supplied from the Pertamina Gas Plant 26 Filling Station in the PT Badak LNG area which is then delivered using ISOtank trucks.

"This is a proud step because finally the industry in Bontang utilizes LNG which is processed from its own area," said President Director of Pertagas Niaga, Aminuddin in a statement, Thursday, April 21.

The use of LNG by the EUP is expected to be followed by other industries so that the use of clean energy will be more widespread.

"We feel there is a cost saving with LNG and we are happy to have a role as an industry that switches to environmentally friendly energy," explained PT EUP Factory Manager, Hendri Chandra.

Since 1972, Bontang City has been known to have contributed greatly to the LNG industry. The use of LNG strengthens awareness of the use of energy that is more environmentally friendly, especially in industry.

Pertagas Niaga has been a pioneer in LNG trading to supply industrial factories, commercial, public facilities and small and medium industries such as hotels, hospitals, restaurants and cafes since 2015 with an average volume of 12,000 MMBTUD supplied from the Bontang Filling Station.

LNG is one solution to meet energy needs for areas that have not been reached by gas pipeline infrastructure, one of which is Eastern Indonesia. Utilization of LNG, apart from being a transitional energy to green energy, is also part of efforts to achieve equity and energy independence in the country.