DPR Asks Police To Look Into Data Theft In Azan And Prayer Applications, Pushes For Acceleration Of Ratification Of The PDP Bill

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the DPR, Fadli Zon, responded to the findings of the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya regarding the theft of personal data of users of the call to prayer and prayer applications downloaded via Playstore.

According to him, it is necessary to investigate the mechanism of data theft carried out by the developer of the call to prayer and prayer application. Because, said Fadli, misuse of data from the call to prayer and prayer applications is quite vulnerable because it has many users.

"If there is indeed information about data theft like that, maybe we can explore how. It is indeed very vulnerable to these applications, but indeed the application of the call to prayer, the Qur'an, and others is really needed by Muslims, right? it's something easy," said Fadli Zon at the DPR building, Jakarta, Thursday, April 21.

With this case, the member of the commission in charge of communication and informatics affairs also pushed for the acceleration of the ratification of the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP).

The reason is, he believes that the PDP Bill will become a legal instrument to protect civilian personal data from theft, hacking, and other misuse of data.

"We encourage the Personal Data Protection Bill to be accelerated immediately," said Fadli.

"With this law, it is more possible for us to protect personal data from theft, hacking, and other misuse of data," he continued.

The deputy head of the Gerindra Party also encouraged the development of applications made domestically. He believes, data security will be more stringent.

"Actually, what we should develop the most are applications from within the country. These are mostly applications from abroad. It should be applications from the nation's children. And I believe that the security should be more protective, that's it," said Fadli.