Awaiting Omnibus Law Creates 95 Percent Planned Workplaces

JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly said that currently the drafting of the Draft Bill (RUU) on Job Creation Omnibus Law has reached 95 percent and is in the finalization stage.
"All points have to be completed. This is already 95 percent, so it remains only to finalize it, ”said Yasonna at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy in Jakarta, Thursday, January 9.
Yasonna said President Joko Widodo had given a time target for completing the Omnibus Law Bill, which was for two weeks so that it could be submitted as the 2020 DPR RI Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).
"Yesterday's meeting, Mr. President targeted that we would finish in two weeks at the latest so we hope that the recess can enter Prolegnas, Surpres [Presidential Letter] must be entered," he said.
He emphasized that the government involved workers in the discussion process until the drafting of the Employment Creation Omnibus Law Bill so that the results could be in accordance with their wants and needs.
"This is a team that works to convey to fellow labor unions the concept that we are arranging because this is to create jobs," he said.
Not only that, Yasonna said the team also corrected various incorrect information received by workers because it would have a negative impact in the future.
"There is a team to explain it because sometimes there is information that is not true, so people must know and understand what we are discussing here," he said.
He hopes that the existence of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation will be able to create significant changes in investment in job creation so that Indonesians can find jobs more easily.
"The Omnibus Law Law is complete. There will be a fundamental change in investment in job creation, making it easier for people to work," he said.
Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said that the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation was already in the process of drafting the legal aspects.
"It has entered into legal drafting so it is hoped that it can be completed after the DPR's Prolegnas is decided to immediately go to the DPR," he said.
Airlangga also ensured that all clusters in the draft law relating to labor had been thoroughly discussed. "Yesterday, all 11 clusters were discussed," he said.