Women Who Rode a Pink Vespa, with 'Sayang Papah' Number Plates in Bali, Becomes a Spotlight

DENPASAR - A woman who rode a pink Vespa becomes a spotlight after her photo went viral on social media. It caught the eyes of netizen because the Vespa number plates were modified to "Sayang Papah" (Love Dad). 

This woman crossed Jalan Bypass, Ngurah Rai. It is yet unknown when did this photo be taken. 

The police are looking for this pink Vespa rider. In the regulations, motorists are not allowed to modify the vehicle plate number.

"We are looking for it," said Head of the Denpasar Police, AKP Adi Sulistyo, Wednesday, October 7.

The rules regarding motorized vehicle number signs (TNKB) are contained in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. This rule is also contained in the Chief of Police Regulation Number 5 of 2012 concerning Registration and Identification of Motor Vehicles.

Article 68 of the Law on Traffic and Road Transportation stipulates that every motorized vehicle must be equipped with a motor vehicle number certificate and motor vehicle number mark.

The motor vehicle number mark contains the area code, registration number, and validity period. The number of motorized vehicles is also regulated to meet the requirements for the shape, size, material, color, and method of installation.

Aturan soal tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor (TNKB) diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan. Aturan ini juga dimuat dalam Peraturan Kapolri Nomor 5 Tahun 2012 tentang Registrasi dan Identifikasi Kendaraan Bermotor. 

Pada Pasal 68 UU LLAJ diatur setiap kendaraan bermotor yang dioperasikan di jalan wajib dilengkapi dengan surat tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor dan tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor.

Tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor memuat kode wilayah, nomor registrasi, dan masa berlaku. Tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor juga diatur harus memenuhi syarat bentuk, ukuran, bahan, warna dan cara pemasangan.