In Japan, People Can Buy Goods At A vending Machine Using Their Feet

JAKARTA - Japan has always been a country at the forefront of making new innovations. To avoid the spread of COVID-19, some vending machines in Japan provide foot buttons on the machines.

Launching SoraNews24 today, October 7, Dydo, this company presents a vending machine that uses legs. Consumers who want to buy products from these machines do not need to use their hands.

Looks simple but this machine is effectively used. You only need your feet to press the product number which is listed on the window.

There is no need to use your hands to take the product from the machine. There is a button that you can step on and the product will slide itself out of the machine.

But to pay for the product, you still need a hand to put the coins in the vending machine .

Not everyone is positive about Dydo's vending machine . Since everything is done on the feet, many worry about the cleanliness of the product.

"They may need to sterilize drinks when they are taken by foot," wrote one netizen.

"I can predict people will step on and destroy (the machine)," wrote another.

Dydo, as a manufacturer, said the vending machine system with legs is still in the form of the first concept so they will likely update the model and its usability.