The Composition Of The Bawaslu Member Division For The 2022-2027 Period, Here Is The List, Does Anyone Know?

JAKARTA - The General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of the Republic of Indonesia has determined the composition of the chairperson, divisions, and regional coordinators of Bawaslu Members for the period 2022-2027. This was determined in the plenary meeting.

In his decision, Bawaslu unanimously appointed Rahmat Bagja as chairman. Bagja previously also served as a member of Bawaslu for the 2017-2022 period.

The decision of the plenary meeting of Bawaslu Members to determine the Chair of Bawaslu refers to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. In Article 92 Paragraph (8), it is stated that the Chairperson of Bawaslu is elected from and by the members of Bawaslu.

Then, in the plenary meeting of Bawaslu members, Article 92 paragraph (10) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, it is stated that every member of the RI Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu, Head of Sub-district Panwaslu, and Chair of Overseas Panwaslu has the same voting rights.

Furthermore, the composition of the person in charge of the Bawaslu division for the 2022-2027 period is determined as follows: 1. Division of Human Resources, Organization and Training Education.- Division Coordinator: Herwyn Jefler Hielsa Malonda- Deputy Division Coordinator: Lolly Suhenty

2. Legal and Dispute Resolution Division.- Division Coordinator: Totok Hariyono- Deputy Division Coordinator: Puadi

3. Division of Prevention, Community Participation, and Public Relations.- Division Coordinator: Lolly Suhenty- Deputy Division Coordinator: Totok Hariyono

4. Violation Handling Division, Data and Information.- Division Coordinator: Puadi- Deputy Division Coordinator: Herwyn Jefler Hielsa Malonda