Steamed Or Boiled, These 10 Types Of Vegetables Are Suitable For Serving With Peanut Sauce

YOGYAKARTA – In the archipelago, there are various types of dishes with peanut sauce. The most popular ones include pecel, ketoprak, gado-gado, lotek, and karedok. If you are interested in making enough stock and cooking it yourself at home, the following types of vegetables can be paired with various types of peanut sauce creations.

1. Long beans

Almost all types of dishes with peanut sauce, use long beans as one of the vegetable ingredients. The difference, for raw long bean karedok cut. But for pecel and lotek generally boiled half cooked after being cut along two finger knuckles.

2. Sprouts and bean sprouts

Well, even more unique seeds that sprout from green beans so that they become sprouts or bean sprouts, are used for all kinds of preparations with peanut sauce. Starting from pecel sprinkled with fresh sprouts with basil leaves, to lotek with bean sprouts bathed in peanut sauce.

Illustration of vegetables served with peanut sauce (Pexels/Mathius Cenali)
3. Kangkung

Kangkung is a plant that can grow in loose soil. Usually planted in rice fields. This vegetable, besides being popular with stir-fry, can be a vegetable that is suitable to be paired with peanut sauce.

4. Kenikir leaves

Kenikir plant flowers, often used as natural dyes. Good for dyeing yarn or fabric with ecoprint technique. The leaves are still young, can be picked and boiled for pecel. For a complete and rich texture, you can pair kenikir with long beans and bean sprouts.

5. Spinach

Spinach can be made into a variety of dishes, including clear vegetables. In addition, spinach is also often boiled to be paired with peanut sauce.

Illustration of types of vegetables served with peanut sauce (iStockphoto)
6. Cassava leaves

Believed to be high in iron, cassava leaves can be cooked in addition to being fresh and tasty, vegetable bobor. Can also be boiled and bathed with peanut sauce that has been thawed.

7. Cabbage

The next type of vegetable that is suitable to be served with peanut sauce is cabbage. You can juxtapose it cut into squares or lengthwise. Generally, cabbage is cut into lengths as one of the vegetables in karedok.

8. Cucumber

The smell of cucumber radiates freshness, usually this vegetable is used for fresh vegetables. The trick to enrich the texture of your dish, cut into small pieces without peeling the skin.

9. Turi flowers

Known as the Turi flower, this plant has white flowers with a height of more than 1 meter. Turi flowers do not have a sharp taste, but the pollen must be removed so that it is not too bitter. How to process it, just boiled briefly before serving.

10. Chilli

To make your peanut sauce dish richer in taste or variety, you can also use chicory. Chilli can be boiled before serving. Then to keep the color from turning pale, complete the dish with long beans and basil to make it more flavorful.