Aceh Satpol PP Confiscates Food From Traders Who Sell During The Day During Fasting, Will Be Whipped

MEULABOH - Personnel from the Civil Service Police Unit and Wilayatul Hisbah, West Aceh Regency, secured a number of food items from traders who were caught in a raid in the center of Meulaboh City, the capital of West Aceh Regency.

"The food that we have secured from these traders is because they were caught selling food during the day for people who do not fast during the holy month of Ramadan," said Head of the West Aceh District WH Satpol PP Service, Azim, represented by Department Secretary Dodi Bima Saputra in Meulaboh, as reported by Antara, Monday. , April 18th.

Dodi said the food that the officers managed to secure was in the form of a dish of Acehnese fried noodles, and fried hun noodles, each placed in a large container with a large portion.

The raid was carried out at a shop in Panggong Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency.

When the raid was carried out, he said, a number of residents who were in the shop managed to escape, including traders selling food.

Because they were unable to catch the perpetrators of the seller and buyer, then the officers secured the food that was sold to be taken to the Civil Service Police Unit and Wilayatul Hisbah Office of West Aceh Regency, for further investigation.

"Earlier, the officers had also asked the merchants to take their merchandise at the office, but until evening, the merchandise had not been taken," said Dodi.

Dodi also explained that the sale of food and drinks in the afternoon before the afternoon of the holy month of Ramadan in Aceh Province violated the rules for applying Islamic law in Aceh.

This is in accordance with Qanun (Regional Regulation) Number 22 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Islamic Shari'a in the Field of Aqidah, Worship and Islamic Syiar and for violators can be subject to sanctions in the form of caning in public.