Central Sulawesi Police Failed Smuggling Of 7,000 Liters Of Diesel In Banggai Laut

BANGGAI - The Directorate of Water Police of the Water and Air Police Corps (Ditpolairud) of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Sulteng) thwarted the smuggling of 7,000 liters of subsidized diesel fuel in the waters of Banggai Bay, Banggai Laut (Balut) Regency.

"The 7,000 liters of subsidized diesel fuel has been secured by the Central Sulawesi Police's Ditpolairud," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Kombes Didik Supranoto in Palu, reported by Antara, Monday, April 18.

Didik explained that the disclosure of the smuggling of subsidized diesel fuel began with the suspicion of the patrol team on the ship KPXIX-1003 against one of the unnamed ships sailing in Balut waters.

After a search, the police later found hundreds of jerry cans filled with diesel fuel which were about to be taken to the North Maluku Province.

"Transportation of diesel fuel is not accompanied by documents and based on the confession of the person who was detained, the fuel is about to be taken to Taliabu Island, North Maluku Province," he said.

Kombes Didik said, as many as four people suspected of being the owner and crew of the ship (ABK) had been secured to the Central Sulawesi Police Ditpolairud Headquarters for the investigation process.

The suspect will be charged with Article 53 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Oil and Gas Law with a threat of 6 years and or a maximum fine of Rp. 60 billion.

"It is currently under further investigation from the police," said Didik.