Wait For The Perwal, The Jayapura City Government Ensures THR For ASN Comes Out This Week

JAYAPURA - The Jayapura City Government conveyed that there were no obstacles faced by it so that the 2022 Eid al-Fitr holiday allowance (THR) for state civil servants (ASN) would be paid according to the provisions.

Deputy Mayor of Jayapura, Rustan Saru said, technical rules for disbursing THR for ASN will be regulated in a mayoral regulation (Perwal).

"We will make a Perwal first and then pay THR for ASN," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, April 18.

He explained that the THR payment was confirmed this week because it was in accordance with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructions that 10 days before Idul Fitri 2022 must be paid. "We will complete the THR payment for ASN this week," he said.

He added that his party also ensured that the THR payment was added to the 13th salary according to a presidential regulation (Perpres).

"Actually yesterday we paid the THR but it coincided with the Easter holiday so this week it will be completed," he said again.

To note, the number of ASN in the Jayapura City Government is 4,183 people including teachers at elementary schools (SD), junior high schools (SMP) and Kindergarten (TK) and PAUD.