Reminding Official Cars Not To Be Used For Homecoming, Netizens Insinuate KPK: Deal With Gratification For KPK Leaders First Min

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) received satire from netizens on Twitter when reminding the use of official cars while going home to enter into corrupt behavior.

Instead of agreeing, netizens even mentioned the alleged receipt of gratification in the form of accommodation and tickets for the Mandalika MotoGP by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar.

In his upload via the Twitter account @KPK_RI, the anti-corruption commission reminded that official cars should only be used for work purposes and their use should only be limited on weekdays. This restriction is regulated in the Regulation on the Utilization of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN RB) Number 87 of 2005.

Thus, the use of official cars for personal purposes such as going home can be categorized as corrupt behavior.

"Is it okay to use an official car for going home? The use of an official car for going home is part of corrupt behavior, you know #KawanAksi!," the Twitter account quoted him as saying, Monday, April 18.

Various responses were then given by netizens. One of them was by anti-corruption activist, Emerson Yuntho, who satirized the tweet by asking whether or not a KPK leader could receive a free ticket to watch MotoGP.

"Can the leadership of @KPK_RI be given free tickets to watch the Moto GP? Giving free tickets to a concert or sporting event for public officials is corrupt behavior, #KawanAksi!," Emerson tweeted, which got three retweets and 19 likes from other netizens. .

"Take care of the gratification of the KPK leaders first, min. Then take care of this," said another netizen, @avivadriel.

"What if people pay for the status of commissioners of anti-corruption institutions watching Moto GP, Min?," wrote citizen @gitapurid who also commented on the RI KPK tweet. Lili was reported to the KPK Supervisory Board for allegedly receiving hotel facilities and MotoGP tickets held in Mandalika, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) some time ago. This gift is said to have come from one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

Currently, a number of steps have been taken by the KPK Council. One of them is asking the relevant parties to bring proof of booking accommodation at Amber Lombok Beach Resort and the Mandalika MotoGP ticket at the Grandstand Premium Zone A-Red.

Regarding this alleged gratification, Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, has asked the public to respect the process of examining allegations of ethical violations that are currently underway at the KPK Supervisory Board.

"We invite the public to continue to respect the ongoing investigation process," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, April 13.

Ali said he was confident that the KPK Supervisory Board would be professional in investigating this allegation. Moreover, the mechanism and provisions related to the handling of complaints have been regulated in Article 37B of the KPK Law.

In addition, the anti-corruption commission will also submit fully to the KPK Supervisory Board regarding the follow-up to this complaint.

"The Corruption Eradication Commission Council (KPK) will of course also present the results of their examination, whether the complaint is proven to have been a violation or not," he said.

"Every complaint against KPK personnel is certainly a form of public control over the implementation of the task of eradicating corruption," concluded Ali.