Shootout With Begal In Pasuruan, 3 Police Wounded

SURABAYA - A shootout occurred between police and robbers who were on the wanted list (DPO) in Pasuruan, East Java. Three police officers were injured and one suspect died during a gun battle.

"The incident started when members tried to catch the perpetrator of the weighting theft who is now a DPO, namely Sues, a resident of Sumbersuko Hamlet, Plososari Village, Grati District, Pasuruan Regency," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, in Surabaya, Tuesday, October 6, 2020. .

The shootout took place on the evening of Monday, October 5. At that time, the police were trying to arrest the DPOs who were attending a celebration in residents' settlements.

On their way to Jeladri Village, Lumbang District, the police bumped into Sues, who was riding a motorbike with an unknown person. Not wanting to lose track, the officers finally turned around and chased the suspect.

"It turned out that this suspect knew that he was being hunted by the police. When he was about to enter a small alley, an officer managed to pull the suspect's sarong down," said Truno.

After falling, suddenly the suspect took out a homemade revolver type weapon and shot Bripda Benny and Bripka Sutiyono in the stomach. Shootout ensued.

The suspect who was ambushed has often committed crimes ranging from robbery robbery and attempted to injure police officers some time ago.

"The suspect is also a recidivist of cow curas at the Lumajang Police, a recidivist at the Pasuruan Police with a stabbing case, and a DPO," added Truno.

The police secured several pieces of evidence, namely gun assemblies of revolvers and live ammunition, swords and motorbikes used by the perpetrators.

Meanwhile, the suspect who was shot dead is evacuated to Grati Hospital. Meanwhile, the three police officers who were injured were taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for medical treatment.