Ade Armando And Student Demo

JAKARTA - Students in various provinces in the country who are members of the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) held demonstrations last Monday, April 11. In Jakarta, the action was centered in two locations, the Horse Statue area and in front of the MPR/DPR Building.

In the action, students voiced several demands. As written by, in the MPR/DPR Building, the Student Action Coordinator demanded 4 things from the DPR leadership as well as submitted 18 demands for BEM SI to be submitted to President Jokowi.

The demonstrations were relatively conducive. Be it in Jakarta or in various regions in the country. It could be because several points from student demands, such as refusing to postpone the election or extending the president's term of office, are less attractive. Because the day before the demonstration was held, President Jokowi officially issued a firm statement rejecting the discourse echoed by the minister and a number of general chairmen of supporting political parties.

Ade Armando was arrested by the authorities after he was beaten during a student demonstration on April 11th. (Photo: doc)

What really stands out in this action is the case of social media activist and University of Indonesia (UI) lecturer Ade Armando. He was beaten almost naked. As a result, Ade Armando's battered face was immediately trending in the media and social media.

Before the moment of chaos occurred, Ade Armando was interviewed by journalists. He admitted that he did not come to participate in the demonstration, but to monitor and express his support for the demands of the students to reject the amendment to the 1945 Constitution regarding changes to the presidential term of office. Ade Armando regretted that the student movement was divided. It was later discovered that his presence in the masses was also to create content for social media.

Regarding the beating itself, the public is divided. There are those who regret it, but there are also those who seem to be supportive or happy. This is understandable. The reason is, Ade Armando is a controversial figure. Some of his tweets on social media often invite crowds. For his fans, Ade is a genius thinker. On the other hand, in the eyes of his haters, this UI communication science lecturer is the number one enemy.

As published on, there are several controversial uploads by Ade Armando on his social media. Among other things, on 15 July 2015, Ade made a controversial statement about LGBT. According to him, LGBT is innate. The Koran does not prohibit homosexual behavior. Sodomy sex is prohibited.

Then, on January 25, 2017, Ade Armando wrote on his Facebook because 'Allah is not an Arab. Of course, Allah is pleased if the verses are read in Minang, Ambonese, Chinese, Hip-hop, Blues' styles.

This upload was then reported to the Metro Jaya Police. Investigators named Ade as a suspect in the alleged violation of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE). However, this case has not yet been followed up.

In December 2017, this Minangkabau-blooded man uploaded a photo of Habib Rizieq wearing a Santa Claus hat. For the upload, Ade Armando was reported to the Criminal Investigation Police of the National Police. Ade was reported for the alleged crime of hate speech with ethnic, religious, racial, and intergroup (SARA) nuances as regulated in Article 28 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) in conjunction with Article 156 of the Criminal Code.

April 2018 Ade Armando was reported to Metro Jaya Police because of his alleged statement that the call to prayer was not holy. The tweet was made when Sukmawati was excited about reading a poem comparing the sound of the call to prayer.

Ade Armando also once said that the 5 daily prayers are not in the Koran. He made this comment when he commented on a statement from the Imam of the New York Mosque, Imam Shamsi Ali regarding the creed, prayer, fasting, hajj, not eating haram food, not committing adultery, it's sharia. Shamsi also said that those who do not follow the Shari'a are already Muslim.

According to Ade, actually, in the Koran, there is no command to pray five times a day. If you read the Koran, Ade said you will not find a verse that says that prayer must be done 5 times a day. He did it because since childhood and he prayed 5 times because he felt the need to communicate with God constantly. "I myself have never considered my opinion the most correct," said Ade Armando at the time as published on

Back to the matter of beatings, the authorities acted quickly. The perpetrators were immediately identified and several have also been arrested. Although there is also a wrong identification. According to police statements published in several media, the perpetrators of the beatings were not students. One of the perpetrators admitted that he was annoyed with what Ade often voiced on social media. There are also those who hit because they were provoked.

Apart from the controversial attitude and courage of Ade Armando who dared to come to the masses, whatever the reason must be remembered, the constitution guarantees freedom of expression. Demonstrations are also a form of freedom of expression. Including Ade Armando who issued an opinion on social media. So, the reason for the beating as stated by the police is completely unjustified.

Differences of opinion are possible. Anger is a human thing. But committing acts of violence is not tolerated. Especially if it is motivated by differences in politics and beliefs. Indonesia is a state of law. The rules regarding hate speech to unpleasant actions are all regulated. It would be more beautiful if everyone could take care of themselves. Including sayings on social media. Maybe not everyone can accept what we say. So it's best for everyone to take care of themselves either in words or actions. After all, even though demonstrations have taken place in almost all provinces, the government will still increase 3 kilograms of gas, Pertalite fuel, and non-subsidized electricity.