Requirements For Eid 2022 Interprovincial Travel, Riau Islands COVID-19 Task Force: Ages 7-17 Years Old Mandatory Antigen Test

KEPRI - The Task Force (Satgas) for Handling COVID-19 reminded that the requirements for interprovincial travel during Eid 2022 require children and adolescents aged 6-17 years to have an antigen test. The rule must be implemented even though the second dose of vaccine has been administered.

Spokesperson for the Riau Islands COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Kepri) dr Tjetjep Yudiana said this requirement was contained in the Circular of the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 16/2022.

"We are still waiting for strict regulations from the center regarding inter-regional or inter-provincial travel requirements for residents aged 7-17 years," he said in Tanjungpinang, Sunday, April 17.

He added that the rules for antigen testing must be carried out even though the circular does not explain it explicitly, but only for ages under 6 years and 18 years and over.

Meanwhile, the conditions for traveling between regencies and cities in Riau Islands, he said, did not require children and adolescents aged 7-17 years to be tested for antigen. This policy is contained in the Riau Islands Governor's Circular No. 687/2022.

Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad requested that all authorized agencies implement policies on inter-regional travel requirements based on the Riau Islands Governor's Circular No. 687/2022.

"Residents aged 7-17 years who have received the second dose of vaccination do not need an antigen test when traveling between regions," he said.

The Head of the Riau Islands Health Service, Bisri, said that the Ministry of Health asked for time until Monday (18/4) to arrange inter-regional and inter-provincial travel requirements for residents aged 7-17 years.

"The Riau Islands Governor's proposal is that there is a policy of inter-regional and inter-provincial travel requirements that make it easier for residents aged 7-17 years who have received the second dose of vaccine," he added.

The Riau Islands COVID-19 Volunteer Coordinator, Rudy Chua, suspects that there is an element of negligence by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in making regulations, resulting in a legal vacuum. SE Chair of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 16/2022 does not regulate domestic travel requirements for ages 7-17 years, giving rise to assumptions.

Even the competent authorities also seem confused in implementing the policy, such as the Batam KKP who is on duty at Punggur Port, Batam to apply an antigen test policy for residents aged 7-17 years as a condition of travel, even though the second dose of vaccine has been administered.

Meanwhile, the Tanjungpinang KKP did not implement the policy because there was a circular from the Riau Islands Governor.