NTB Police Stops Case Of Amaq Sinta, Victim Of Begal Who Fights Perpetrators To Death, Suspect Status Falls

MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Purwanto confirmed that his party had issued an Investigation Termination Order (SP3) related to the case of Murtede alias Amaq Sinta, a victim of robbery who was named a suspect for fighting the perpetrator to death.

Djoko Purwanto explained, the termination of Amaq Sinta's legal process after the case process was carried out which was attended by the ranks of the Regional Police and legal experts.

"The results of the case study concluded that the incident was an act of forced defense so that no elements of unlawful acts were found, both formally and materially," Djoko told reporters, quoted from a statement from the Police Public Relations Division, Saturday, April 16.

According to Djoko, the decision on the title of the case is based on the Regulation of the National Police Chief Number 6 of 2019. It contains Article 30 concerning the investigation of criminal acts that the termination of the investigation can be carried out for the sake of legal certainty, benefit and justice.

"The incident carried out by Amaq Sinta was to defend himself as stated in Article 49 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code regarding forced defense," said Djoko.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo emphasized that the termination of the case was carried out in order to prioritize the principles of justice, certainty and especially the benefits of law for the community.

"In this case, the National Police prioritizes the principles of proportionality, legality, accountability and responsibility," he said.