Apart From Bansos Sembako, DPRD DKI Will Arrange BLT Distribution In Raperda PSBB

JAKARTA - The Regional Regulation Establishment Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI DPRD will include regulations regarding the distribution of direct cash assistance (BLT) during the PSBB period in the draft regional regulation (raperda) on handling COVID-19.

Because, so far, the assistance provided by the DKI Provincial Government when implementing the PSBB was limited to non-cash social assistance (bansos) in the form of distribution of basic necessities.

Deputy Chairman of Bapemperda, Dedi Supriadi, said that the provisions concerning BLT are a crucial article in the draft regional regulation. Because, this is about protection for people affected by the PSBB policy due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

"Social protection and security will be regulated in a Special Chapter in this Raperda, to ensure the accuracy of social assistance distribution to the community, on target, on volume and on time," Dedi told reporters, Tuesday, October 6.

The discussion of chapter by article began last Monday, October 5. Yesterday, Bapemperda listened to the executive's presentation and input from various stakeholders.

Meanwhile, on this day, it is scheduled to discuss article by article as well as deepening the draft regional regulation on handling COVID-19.

One of the crucial articles in the Raperda is the provision regarding protection for people affected by the PSBB policy due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

"It is the responsibility of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to provide psychosocial support for affected communities, especially the poor. This provision has been included in the draft Covid-19 Regional Regulation," he said.

For information, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, said that his party will formulate a regional regulation (perda) regarding large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in DKI.

According to him, the plan to formulate this regional regulation has a higher legal force than the existing Jakarta PSBB regulations, namely Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 88 of 2020.

"The DPRD will make a Regional Regulation on PSBB through the initiative path of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. Not an executive proposal. All the requirements for formation until the discussion will be implemented immediately by the DPRD Regional Regulation Formation Body," said Prasetio.

Prasetio revealed that the reason he planned to draft a regional regulation on PSBB was because he felt that he was not involved by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan when making restriction regulations, starting from the initial PSBB, transitional PSBB, to PSBB volume II.

"The DPRD is an executive partner to make and decide on every policy. Moreover, this is directly related to the community and for the sake of safety and public health in a pandemic like this," said Prasetio.

"But in fact, the DPRD has never been consulted to form regulations on PSBB policies. It is the same as in every previous policy," he continued.