Bareskrim Awaits Official Palace Letter Regarding Ma'ruf Amin's Photo Collage Case

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still waiting for an official letter from the Vice President's Palace regarding the handling of a case involving Ma'ruf Amin's photo collage pairing with Japanese porn actor Shigeo Tokuda or known by Sugiono's grandfather.

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono said the letter would later determine the handling of the case. Because, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has forgiven the suspect.

"Well, if later there is an apology and not prosecuted. The investigators will process the results of the degree, of course we are waiting. Everything is the prerogative of the investigator," Awi told reporters, Monday, October 5.

The termination of the case handling process, said Awi, could be done. Because, in that case the investigator used the ITE law.

"We are not using articles on defamation, but we are using articles related to the ITE Law regarding hate speech based on SARA. So there is no need for offense to complain, no need for victims to report," said Awi.

However, Awi emphasized that the handling of investigators' cases was in accordance with the applicable regulations. So, all processes of investigation and investigation can be accounted for.

"The case has been handled and we have detained the suspect. The Vice President has forgiven, of course we are still walking on the tracks. Investigators will be guided by the Criminal Procedure Code," he said.

Previously it was reported that the police arrested Sulaiman Marpaung. The arrests were made in Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra. "On Friday, October 2, an arrest was made of the owner of the Facebook account Oliver Leaman S, on behalf of SM," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono.

The arrests were made at the perpetrator's house on Jalan Lobe Daud LL VI, Sei Tualangrasi District, Tanjungbalai. The basis for the arrest was based on the Criminal Investigation Unit on September 30, 2020.

Sulaiman Marpaung was previously reported to the Tanjungbalai Police for uploading a photo collage of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin with 'Grandpa Sugiono'. The post on Oliver Leaman's Facebook account has now been deleted.

Sulaiman had previously apologized for uploading a photo collage accompanied by a narrative that alluded to the ulama.

"Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. I on behalf of Sulaiman Marpaung apologize profusely to the extended family of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia KH Makruf Amin as well as the Chairman of the Central MUI and also the entire Ansor family especially Tanjungbalai City for my mistakes and mistakes regarding indications of insulting KH Makruf Amin for my post. for. From the deepest heart, I apologize once again and hold out ten fingers, ”read the post on the Facebook account uploading Ma'ruf Amin's photo collage with Grandpa Sugiono.