Vanessa Khong And In-laws Candidate Indra Kenz Do Not Complete The Criminal Investigation Investigation Unit, Ask For Reschedule

JAKARTA - Indra Kenz's lover and future in-laws, Vanessa Khong and Rudiyanto Pei, did not fulfill the summons for questioning as suspects in the fraudulent investment case of Binomo today. Both asked to reschedule the examination to the Criminal Investigation Police investigators.

"Just asking to reschedule it," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko to reporters, Thursday, April 14.

According to a letter submitted by the lawyers for the two suspects, each requested a different delay.

Vannesa Khong requested that her examination be scheduled for Monday, April 18. Meanwhile, Rudiyanto Pei on Wednesday, April 20.

"The VK asked to be scheduled for Monday, for the others we will be on Wednesday," said Gatot.

Separately, the attorney for Vanessa Khong and Rudianto Pei, Brian Praneda, said that his two clients were not present because they were preparing evidence. Thus, it can refute all of the investigators' allegations.

"We are preparing documents, yes, related to what materials will be asked for information by investigators," said Brian.

Vanessa Khong and Rudiyanto Pei were named as suspects in the fraudulent investment case under the guise of Binomo trading. Determination of the suspect for receiving a flow of funds related to the crime of money laundering.

"Brother VK played a role in receiving a flow of funds from Brother IK in the amount of Rp. 1.1 billion," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan.

Based on the results of the investigators and previous investigations, Vanessa Khong is suspected of having also received a land gift in the South Tangerang area from her lover. The nominal amount is IDR 7.8 billion.

Investigators also blocked Vanessa Khong's account. However, the number of accounts and the nominal money in the blocked accounts have not been detailed.

"Furthermore, investigators also blocked the account belonging to brother VK," said Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, Vanessa Khong's father, said Ramadhan, also received a cash flow. The nominal is Rp. 1.5 billion.

In addition, he also helped IK disguise the proceeds of crime by purchasing 10 luxury watches worth billions

"Help suspect IK disguise the proceeds of the crime in the form of buying 10 luxury watches worth IDR 8 billion," said Ramadhan.