Tangerang City Government Provides Thousands Of Free Homecoming Chairs For The General Public

TANGERANG - The Tangerang City Government provides 1200 free seats for the 2022 Eid free homecoming program. The free homecoming program is known to be a program of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

Head of the Tangerang City Transportation Service, Wahyudi Iskandar, said there were 150 seats per day provided by his party.

"Per day, the quota that has been prepared for Tangerang City is 150 people. Even if 150 people are full today, it will enter the next quota," Wahyudi said when contacted, Thursday, April 14.

Wahyudi said that the 1,200 seats provided were unused. Then the remaining quota will be transferred to other regions.

"So it is possible that it can be taken from other regional quotas, so it is flexibility," he said.

When asked how many had registered for the free homecoming program, Wahyudi admitted that he did not know more clearly.

However, he made sure the post for validating the personal data of participants who had registered for the free homecoming program at the Tangerang City Transportation Agency office.

For information, after registering on the site, prospective participants must re-register at the Tangerang City Transportation Agency office.

"Until today, the post (validation) is still open, so (the quota for the free homecoming program) is still there," he said.

As is known, free homecoming participants who re-register at the Tangerang City Transportation Agency will depart from Poris Plawad Terminal on April 28, 2022.

A total of 14 destinations are available for the program. Some of them are Tegal, Semarang, Demak, Kudus, Wonogiri, Wonosari, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Wonosobo, and others. Registration for free homecoming from the Ministry of Transportation is open from 10-24 April 2022