Penetration When Making Love Hurts, These Are 10 Causes Of Dyspareunia
YOGYAKARTA – Sexual intercourse based on consent should be enjoyable. But in certain cases, penetration during sex hurts. It turns out that there are many causes, ranging from structural problems to psychological problems. This pain is often felt by women. Even the pain was excruciating.
Quoting the Mayo Clinic, Wednesday, April 13, the medical term for painful intercourse is called dyspareunia. Dyspareunia is persistent or recurring genital pain during, before, or after sex. If you feel this way, talk to a specialist. Generally, treatment will focus on the cause. The following are common problems that trigger pain during penetration.
1. Less lubricationWarming up or foreplay is important for couples making love. The goal is to induce a biological response in the reproductive system to produce lubricants. Pain during penetration is often caused by insufficient foreplay. It can also be triggered by decreased estrogen levels after menopause. A decrease in estrogen levels is also experienced by women after childbirth and during breastfeeding.
2. Have experienced injury, trauma, or irritationInjuries that trigger dyspareunia include irritation from accidents, pelvic surgery, injuries during childbirth or an episotomy. This needs to be recognized and medically checked.
3. Inflammation, infection or skin disordersInfections in the genital area or urinary tract can cause painful intercourse. Like eczema or other skin problems in the genital area.
This involuntary spasm of the muscles of the vaginal wall can make penetration painful. This also needs to be realized and recognized beforehand in order to get proper medical treatment.
5. Having genital problems since birthAlso known as vaginal agenesis, is a condition of abnormal vaginal shape. This condition occurs when the development of the membrane that blocks the vaginal opening is an inperforated hymen, causing dyspareunia.
6. Certain diseases or conditionsDisease conditions that cause pain on penetration include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine prolapse, inverted uterus, uterine fibroids, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction, adenomyosis, hemorrhoids, and ovarian cysts.
7. Surgery or medical treatmentScar tissue from pelvic surgery, including hysterectomy can cause painful intercourse. Medical treatments for cancer, such as radiation and chemotherapy can also cause changes that make sex painful.
8. Experiencing anxiety and depressionAnxiety about self-image about your body or physical appearance can contribute to low arousal levels. This includes the cause of discomfort to pain during penetration.
9. Feeling depressedThe importance of communicating sexually, is to be together both to overcome the pain when making love. If you don't communicate pressure on the pelvic floor muscles due to the stress response, pain during sexual intercourse can potentially be felt.
10. Have experienced traumaNot everyone with dyspareunia has a history of sexual abuse. But if you have experienced it, it can play a role in pain during sex even though it has been based on consent.
In addition to the ten causes above, a feeling of relaxation is also needed when starting a session in bed to avoid pain.