Now It Is Bali United's Turn To Be Left By Its Foreign Player, Paulo Sergio

JAKARTA - The uncertainty of when the League 1 competition will roll again takes its toll. Bali United was left behind by a foreign player, Paulo Sergio.

The Portuguese player withdrew from the 2019 League 1 Champion. He did not continue his contract with Bali United because the competition schedule was uncertain.

Paulo Sergio admitted that he had communicated with the management of Bali United regarding this decision. He claims there is an agreement between him and the management of Bali United.

"I love Bali United, but I want to follow his family in Portugal," he said.

It's not just Bali United that foreign players have left behind. A number of League 1 clubs also feel the same way. Like Madura United and Arema FC.

However, the reasons for the departure of the players from the two clubs are slightly different. Some are worried about COVID-19, some do not agree on new contracts.

As is known, the continuation of the 2020 League 1 competition was postponed because it did not get permission from the police. The National Police assessed that the COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are still very high, so there are concerns that new clusters will emerge.

The National Police's decision seems right. The reason is, there are several national soccer players who have recently been confirmed with COVID-19. All of them were known to be asymptomatic.