10 Residents' Houses Burnt In Simeulue And Gayo Lues Aceh, It Is Confirmed There Are No Casualties

BANDA ACEH - As many as 10 houses spread across two districts in Aceh province caught fire, causing dozens of residents to flee, according to the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA).

"Eight houses were burned to the ground in Simeulue Regency and two housing units in Gayo Lues Regency," said BPBA Chief Executive Ilyas through the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 13.

He explained that the fire scorched eight housing units in Lakhubang Village, Central Simeulue District, Simeulue Wednesday, April 13 at around 04.15 WIB.

As a result of the fire, 38 people in 11 families (KK) who inhabit the house had to flee to a neighbor's house. BPBA confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident.

"The fire scorched the house and severely damaged it, but it is certain that there were no casualties or injuries from this fire, but the owner of the house was forced to evacuate to a neighbor's house for a while," said Ilyas. BPBD Simeuleu deployed three firefighters to the scene for handling. The officers also provided assistance during the panic period to the victims who were hit by the disaster as well as the installation of family tents.

The fire has been successfully extinguished, the cause of this fire is still under investigation, said Ilyas.

Meanwhile in Gayo Lues Regency, fires occurred in two residents' houses in Cinta Maju Village, Blang Pegayon District, Gayo Lues at around 13.12 WIB, on the same day.

According to Ilyas, one unit of the house was burnt down and one unit was slightly damaged. The victims were affected and had to evacuate as many as 11 people in two families.

“The Gayo Lues Regency BPBD has extinguished and collected data. The cause is still under investigation," said Ilyas.