Student Demonstrations In Indonesia And The Romanticism Of Soe Hok Gie

"In Indonesia there are only two options. Being idealistic or apathetic. I decided long ago that I should be an idealist, to the limit as far as possible.” (Soe Hok Gie)

JAKARTA - A wave of demonstrations from 18 universities in Indonesia in front of the DPR/MPR building took place on Monday 11 April. The student demonstrations made demands, including rejecting the discourse on extending the presidential term and postponing the election.

The demonstration that was held in Jakarta became chaotic, because this action was not only from students but also enlivened by other groups without alma mater jackets. This atmosphere filled with diverse communities eventually sparked chaos.

Currently, student demonstrations have received a lot of attention, especially on the demonstration activities carried out. Demonstrations are considered as expressions of student idealism to channel their thoughts, views and criticisms.

A demonstration by BEM SI students raised the issue of corruption and the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri at the Horse Statue Area, Jalan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Thursday (21/10/2021). (ANTARA/Mentari)

But unfortunately anarchism has become a symbol of every student demonstration. Very rarely do we see a peaceful ending. Every day we see news from Sabang to Merauke, students are involved in clashes with the police.

There's nothing wrong with being idealistic or realistic, but what matters is how we put one's stance in the right situation. When humans are required to think critically and innovate, students must be idealistic. However, students also need a realistic attitude so they are not overconfident. Students need both for balance.

According to the KBBI the definition of idealism is: (1) a school of philosophy that considers thoughts or ideals as the only true things that can be memorized and understood; (2) living or trying to live according to ideals, according to standards that are considered perfect; (3) the flow of delusional or fantasy to show beauty and perfection even though it is not in accordance with reality. And understanding number two is what we often experience.

Historical Romanticism

Historically, Indonesian students and elements of society were able to overthrow two orders, namely, the old order and the new order. The Tritura demonstration in 1966 is known as one of the most heroic historical events for students. Students at that time united to fight against the PKI who wanted to change the basis of the state. The peak was when students flocked to demand the three demands of the people (tritura).

In the 1960s, the Indonesian student movement was divided by various personal interests, groups, groups, religions, and even political interests. It could be said that the situation was somewhat similar to the current state.

During this period, the figure of Soe Hok Gie emerged, whose idealistic attitude made him ostracized by his friends. But it doesn't matter to him. For him, defending the truth meant being prepared for loneliness.

Soe Hok Gie always comes forward to fight and voice injustice. However, he never advocated anarchists when they carried out student-style political activities.

According to him, true idealists only say, act, and act in the name of truth. This young intellectual has always been an inspiration for Indonesian students at all times.

Soe Hok Gie, an icon of idealism for student demonstrations in Indonesia. (Doc. Mapala UI)

When his comrades in arms had sat down as bureaucrats and slowly began to lose their ideals, Gie remained in his position. For him, politics is dirty mud. But when we do not avoid, then plunge into it.

Change will not change only with idealism, but there needs to be movement. As Gie said, "Patriotism will not be born from hypocrisy and the slogan "Student Life". Student idealism is the idealism of the nation's conscience.

A person's character can signify the soul of his era but sometimes a person's thinking goes beyond his time. The body may perish but one's mind remains devoted throughout life.

Students can still be idealistic because students are free and independent human beings. However, it is a matter of the extent to which students understand the idealism they have chosen.

How about now?

The May 1998 tragedy was the most historic day for Indonesian students and Trisakti students in particular. Because on that date there were shootings of three students who were involved in the demonstration demanding that President Suharto step down from his position.

The tragedy of May has become the gateway to the collapse of the throne of the New Order, and opened the pages of reform that gave color to the history and improvement of the nation.

So what about the student movement now? Could this kind of action be firmly entrenched in the souls of the students? After reformation in 1998, student organizations and activities seemed to be suspended.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see student action movements due to mere trends, so that activists do not understand the issues they are promoting. This condition is different from the 90s era, because the student movement was always built on a non-negotiable ideology.

Student demonstrations echoed Tritura in 1966 against the Old Order government. (Doc. BBC)

The student movement is now the opposite of the past. The student movement now tends to be influenced by certain ideologies and practical political interests. No wonder the student movement does not appear with the same vision and mission, instead conflicts often occur between them.

This political power then undermined the ideology and strength and bargaining power of the student movement, making every effort of the student movement in the community to receive less sympathy and support.

But it is not a guarantee that idealistic students, when they enter the world of work, will always be 'straight'. For example, when students take to the streets shouting 'anti-corruption', the reality of the world of work undermines their ideals. Sometimes we find campus activists whose political careers are uphill being dragged into corruption cases. Who is wrong?

To be ideal, students only need to save themselves from "victims" of idealism, namely those who only use demonstrations as compensation for the chaos of their lectures. Bravely screaming in the street surrounded by plumes of smoke from the tires he burned.

Remember that every generation has the right to write its own history. Don't let students turn into Leviathans. To borrow the term Thomas Hobbes, who in fact became the actor behind the chaotic condition of this country.

Student demonstration in front of the Trisakti University Campus, Grogol, West Jakarta in May 1998 which succeeded in overthrowing the New Order Government. (WIKIPEDIA)

A question arises, is there still an Indonesian student like Soe Hok Gie? The exact same is hard to find, but sure someday there will be. If injustice, corruption, collusion, poverty, and the like still exist.

In the midst of increasingly complicated national problems, this nation needs a young generation who is aware of the fate of their nation. The younger generation is not only critical but also rational.

However, many students forget the important thing behind their success in upholding their idealistic values, namely spirituality, namely spiritual intelligence rooted in religious values.

When you are a student or in the community or later become superiors or subordinates, officials or the people should never forget to have spiritual intelligence as a guardian of idealism while still a student.