Fire Hits PT Pura Kudus Paper Factory, Generator Transformer Explodes

KUDUS - The building of PT Pura Group Kudus in Terban Village, Jekulo District, Kudus Regency, Central Java, caught fire. The fire appeared to burn the paper factory at around 12.00 WIB, Wednesday, April 13.

According to a resident of Terban Yanto Village, at the time of the incident, he saw directly from across the street that a large fire was burning the building where the paper was produced, and the smoke also rose high into the air.

Incidentally, he said again, he was waiting for a two-wheeled vehicle for PT Pura employees that was parked at his house which is located in front of the factory.

Meanwhile, the company's employees were taking a break, so the majority were outside the factory and some helped extinguish the fire, before the fire team from PT Pura, BPBD and Satpol PP Kudus arrived at the location.

General Manager HR-GA Pura Group Agung Subani represented by Public Relations Noor Faiz confirmed that when the fire occurred at around 12.15 WIB, the employees were indeed resting because the rest schedule was from 11.30-12.30 WIB.

"At that time, there was indeed an explosion sound from the generator transformer panel, which was suspected to have experienced an electrical short," he said, as reported by Antara.

The location of the electrical panel is in the stop preparation section of the paper raw material, while in the warehouse there is also paper waste so that the fire also burns the waste. "About 20 minutes later, the fire was brought under control and is currently in the cooling stage," he continued.

It is certain that work activities on the next day can continue to run normally, because after the cooling process is complete the production process can run again.