Kasat Intel Serdang Bedagai Police Dismissed Due To Hold Reception In The Middle Of The Pandemic

MEDAN - The North Sumatra Regional Police have removed the position of a police officer for holding a wedding reception at a building in Labuhan Batu Regency. This removal was in response to the circulation of the wedding reception video for the Intel Kasat Serdang Bedagai Police, AKP BVP.

"The officer is AKP BVP who is the Head of Intel at the Serdang Bedagai Police," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tatan Dirsan Atmaja, quoted from Antara, Monday, October 5.

Tatan said the AKP BVP case had been handled by the North Sumatra Police Propam Division. This case originated from the circulation of a wedding reception video during the COVID-19 pandemic and the truth was traced.

"It turns out that it is true that the party holding the wedding was a member of the National Police," he said.

The North Sumatra Police Propam immediately summoned the officers to be investigated. These officers were deemed to have violated the Chief of Police's edict regarding compliance with government policies in handling the spread of COVID-19.

"The North Sumatra Regional Police have already imposed sanctions by removing their position as Head of the Serdang Bedagai Police Intelligence Unit," he said.

Previously, the video of a wedding party for police officers held in a building in Labuhan Batu Regency had circulated through social media, on Saturday (26/9). The guests and guests, as well as the bride and groom, do not wear masks and do not keep their distance according to the provisions of the health protocol.