TNI Anniversary, Kontras Finds Increased Violence Involving TNI In The Last Year

JAKARTA - Today is the 75th anniversary (HUT) of TNI. On its anniversary, the TNI received a critical note from the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras).

Kontras researcher Rivanlee Anandar explained that his party found 76 incidents of violence or human rights violations committed or involving the TNI. This is from the period October 2019 to September 2020.

"This figure is spread across 19 provinces and has increased from the number of violence and human rights violations in 2018-2019, which amounted to 58 incidents," said Rivanlee in a webinar discussion, Sunday, October 4.

During the past year, the violence involved by the TNI was mostly in the form of enrichment with 40 cases. This was followed by shooting in 19 cases, intimidation in 11 cases, and torture in 8 cases.

Then, agrarian conflict with 6 cases, destruction of 4 cases, clashes of 3 cases, inhuman acts of 3 cases, kidnapping of 2 cases, sexual violence 1 case, and forced dissolution of 1 case.

"These incidents do not only occur to civilians as victims, but in some cases the victims are police officers," said Rivanlee.

Of all the violent incidents committed by TNI members, 100 people were injured, 43 people were killed, 4 people were arrested, and 8 others had no physical marks or were only intimidated).

Rivanlee explained that the cases of violence they found showed a large imbalance of power relations between the TNI apparatus and civil society.

According to him, the authority, resources, and the use of weapons by the TNI apparatus were apparently not accompanied by full professionalism so that in some cases it resulted in arrogance of the army towards the community.

Therefore, Rivanlee asked the TNI Commander to evaluate the internal surveillance system within the TNI.

"As well, ensuring an accountable legal process for all members of the TNI who commit human rights violations," he said.