East Jakarta Is Ready To Transform Into A New Golden Area In The Capital City

JAKARTA - East Jakarta is ready to transform into a new golden area in Jakarta, leaving its old image as an industrial area into a business and commercial area.

The area of East Jakarta which is the largest in Jakarta and the lowest population density opens up opportunities for this area to develop freely. A number of areas are even projected to encourage the creation of new gold areas in East Jakarta.

Head of the East Jakarta Land and Spatial Cipta Karya Sub-dept. Widodo Soeprayitno explained that although so far the East Jakarta area has often been left behind compared to other areas in Jakarta, his party has prepared a number of regional development plans in accordance with its potentials. Moreover, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is currently working on a Draft Governor's Order (Rapergub) which will facilitate regional development.

"The provincial government is currently working on the Rapergub where the contents will be more friendly to investment coming into Jakarta. For example, in the past, only 30 percent of a zoning could be built, now it is relaxed to 60 percent. Through the regulations being prepared this will facilitate investment," said Widodo in a Focus Group Discussion. (FGD) Examining the Potential of the New Gold Zone in East Jakarta organized by Bisnis Indonesia, in Jakarta, Tuesday 12 April.

Moreover, Widodo explained that East Jakarta still has a very high development potential considering that this area is the largest administrative area in DKI Jakarta at 188.02 km2 with a population of 3,037,193 people. This makes the population density in East Jakarta relatively low when compared to other areas in Jakarta, so the development of East Jakarta still has huge potential to be developed.

Head of the Development and Environment Section of the East Jakarta City Setko, Sarjono, on the same occasion also encouraged a number of property developers to enter and develop East Jakarta. However, he hopes that the development carried out will not only build housing but also encourage the creation of a new ecosystem so as to create a new golden area.

"Previously this developer only sold plots in East Jakarta, then it was built one by one when someone bought it. But now there is Agung Podomoro who is a credible developer who is carrying out construction on Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Klender. to East Jakarta," he explained.

Deputy Chairperson of the East Jakarta Kadin for Property and Real Estate, Rose Yunita, added that the property industry is indeed a pioneer industry that can encourage regional economic growth. Because this industry also has a high multiplier effect. From the records of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, the property industry will have a positive effect on the growth of 147 derivative industries.

In the short term, the development of the property industry can also accelerate the national economic recovery after the pandemic.

"There are five business sectors growing and developing in East Jakarta. First with the infrastructure, settlements then there are new people living in the area. This will then develop into a number of other sectors such as construction, food and beverage, health and beauty, and HR and Education," said Rose.

Property observer Ali Tranghanda explained that residential development can indeed be one of the focuses that the East Jakarta City Government is pursuing. This is because land prices in East Jakarta are actually still relatively low, but have very significant growth, for the last five years the growth per quarter has reached 3.48 percent and is the highest in Jakarta.

Ali also said that currently the East Jakarta area is actually still in the sunrise phase, aka still in the early stages of development, and still has a very large room for growth. However, according to Ali, there are still many challenges that still need to be resolved, because according to him, East Jakarta has very diverse profiles and characteristics.

Ali himself divided it into three zones: the northern part which includes Pulogadung and Cakung as industrial nodes in East Jakarta, zone 2: the middle part which extends from Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai to Kol Sugiono, which has potential as a residential area, and zone 3. : Cawang-Klimalang as the center of transformation.

"A city will develop if there is a business center, to attract the middle and upper class people to settle down, then there needs to be an elite area, this which does not exist in East Jakarta so it must be created. For example, it has started with Jakarta Garden City in Cakung, but its characteristics are it's a bit different because zone 1 is actually the anchor from Kelapa Gading. So zone 2 is the most appropriate area to be developed as an elite area as well as the forerunner to the development of the gold area in East Jakarta," said Ali.

City Planning Observer at Trisakti University Yayat Supriatna also agreed that the East Jakarta area does have three zones which actually have abundant potential but without good connectivity between zones. Each zone assessed by Ali can be developed according to their respective characteristics

"Zone 1 is because it is close to industry, then many offices in Kelapa Gading can become a business center, while zone 2 can be a residential area, while zone 3 is a meeting point for many transportations, such as the Jabodebek LRT, MRT, Halim Perdana Kusumah Airport to fast trains. KCIC can become a transportation hub that will drive East Jakarta's growth," Yayat explained.

To encourage the development plan, the DKI Jakarta Regional Government and the East Jakarta Municipal Government need to create a sustainable development concept that can optimally explore regional potentials so as to create a new golden area in East Jakarta.