So That You Don't Get Distended, Here Are 7 Tips To Eat Moderately When Breaking The Fast

YOGYAKARTA – Eating too much when breaking the fast makes the stomach feel uncomfortable. Generally, there will be a risk of disturbing digestion, bloating, heartburn, to nausea and vomiting. Not to mention the most avoided risks, abdominal circumference widen and the number on the scale increases.

So, so that you don't go crazy eating many types of food when breaking your fast, here are tips so that you eat just enough.

1. Drink lots of mineral water

Between hunger and thirst, the symptoms are difficult to distinguish. Therefore, it is better to get enough fluids first than snacking on takjil snacks. In general, hunger pangs will subside after getting enough to drink. So it is advisable to drink a full glass of water before eating. These tips are also helpful in helping reduce the risk of indigestion.

2. Open with a small meal

Start your iftar with something small like dates or almonds. Then, take a short break to give your digestion a chance to adapt. Then can drink sweet drinks and water. While you can finish the maghrib prayer and then plan what to eat. Selection based on the most preferred and nutritious food.

Illustration of tips for eating moderately when breaking the fast so you don't get distended (iStockphoto)
3. Eat slowly

When it's time to eat, don't be in a rush to fill your plate with lots of food. It is recommended to fill sufficiently first and chew slowly. This helps the body send signals of hunger and fullness.

4. Sit down and focus

Eating in a sitting position will make you more comfortable than standing. Eating while sitting also makes a person listen more to the adequacy of the body. Eat patiently, unhurriedly, little by little, and not too much.

5. Avoid wandering around the dining table

Access to food also affects the desire to chew you know. The closer the distance, the desire to eat could not be rejected. So, sit at a distance with a table after eating a big meal.

6. Keep your body active

Even though the body is weak, the body must still be active. No need to do strenuous exercise, just walk for 30 minutes every day to get a healthy body. Exercise also helps to feel energetic after iftar.

7. Get enough sleep

People tend to sleep late during Ramadan. But don't get sleep deprived because it can affect your appetite. When you don't get enough sleep, hunger hormones are released and result in overeating when breaking your fast.

Those are tips that can be done when breaking the fast. In addition to measuring enough portions when breaking the fast, choose the type of food that contains lots of water and nutrients for the intake of sahur later.