Questioning The Integrity Of The KPU After The Commissioner Is Netted By The KPK OTT
JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner Wahyu Setiawan was caught in the arrest operation (OTT) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This arrest took place ahead of the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).
Commission II of the DPR, which deals with regional elections, is taking this case seriously. Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Arwani Thomafi, considers that this arrest should be a warning to all election organizers. So, the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada will not be disturbed.
"This is certainly a warning warning for all of us," said Arwani, through a written statement received by VOI, in Jakarta, Thursday, January 9.
The politician from the United Development Party (PPP) reminded election organizers not to mess with corruption. DPR Commission II also supports the KPK's steps in enforcing the law in the election organizers.
Meanwhile, member of Commission II Mardani Ali Sera said that the election organizer should uphold neutrality and integrity. He also regretted that the KPU commissioner was caught in a corruption case.
"Everything must be a mandate. Because the people expect a lot from the KPU and KPUD," he said.
Even so, Mardani reminded, all parties put forward the presumption of innocence. "We encourage the KPK to disclose this case transparently and thoroughly," he said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, Arief Budiman, confirmed that Wahyu's arrest would not interfere with preparations for the 2020 Pilkada elections which will be held on 23 September.
"The stages (pilkada) are still going on. I assure you all the stages go according to the provisions," said Arief at the KPU RI Office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 8.
Arief is sure, regardless of the legal status that ensnares Wahyu later, preparations for regional head elections will continue. This is because the KPU has carefully developed the 2020 Pilkada system and stages.
Currently, Wahyu is the Commissioner of the KPU in charge of socialization and community participation. Wahyu is currently busy visiting several regions to socialize the process of organizing the 2020 Pilkada in the regions that are following the democratic process.
Wahyu is currently being held by the KPK with his status as investigated. Wahyu is forced to be unable to carry out his duties at the KPU. However, Arief said Wahyu's duties were still being carried out by his subordinates.
"Someone has replaced him. Every division has a representative," said Arief.
For information, the 2020 Pilkada stages after this are the registration of candidates for governor which will be held in the upcoming February. Then, the registration of candidates for regents and mayors will begin in March 2020.
Furthermore, candidates will start campaigning from July 1 to September 19, 2020 with a duration of 81 days.
The 2020 regional elections will be held in 270 regions. There are 9 provinces, 37 cities and 224 districts. Where, one of them is the Makassar City Pilkada which is a re-election because in 2018 the candidates who went forward lost with empty boxes.