Rising Double Digits, Bank Mandiri Prepares IDR 28.28 Trillion In Cash To Anticipate Lebaran Needs

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is said to have prepared cash of around Rp. 28.28 trillion to anticipate the increasing needs of the community during Ramadan to Eid this year.

Bank Mandiri Corporate Secretary Rudi Asaturridha said the number increased by 25.6 percent from the same period last year.

"This step is an anticipation in meeting the needs of the community in line with the government's decision to allow people to go home," he said in a press statement today, Tuesday, April 12.

According to Rudi, most of the funds prepared will be focused on ATM filling needs, which are predicted to reach around IDR 1.65 trillion per day. That amount jumped 12.7 percent from the average daily requirement last year.

"We estimate that the peak of net cash needs will occur in the two weeks leading up to Idul Fitri which coincides with the period of paying salaries, THR and providing cash for filling ATMs during the weekend and Eid holidays," he said.

Rudi added that the company currently has 13,035 ATM machines connected to the ATM Link, ATM Bersama, ATM Prima and Visa/Plus networks throughout Indonesia.

"Our main concern is ATM machines that are strategically located such as rest areas, airports, stations, terminals, ports, shopping centers, hotels, gas stations and tourist attractions," he said.

In addition, he also revealed that Bank Mandiri would operate a number of branches in rotation throughout Indonesia to serve delivery orders for fuel or non-fuel by gas stations.

"The operation of these branches is an implementation of our commitment to continue to serve the needs of customers, including on religious holidays," he said.

Meanwhile, for toll road users who do not have an electronic money card, the company has prepared a card stock of more than one million pieces until next May.

"Bank Mandiri ensures optimal IT network readiness to anticipate the increase in transactions made by customers, especially through digital channels to the call center so that there are no disturbances," concluded Rudi.